Sunday, October 6, 2013

While it lasts

Say It aloud, say it in silence.
Show it through gestures, show it in action.
With intense whispers, laughter or smiles.
Say it aloud, say it in silence.
Hold it bit harder, hold it bit loose.
Let that love shine through, in all that you do.
Time is so precious and love is so rare.
Hardly it lasts and life has no spare.
So say it aloud and say it in silence.
Show it through gestures and show it in action.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A dream unique.

A step ahead, is what I take.
A path of hope, this I will make.
A dream unique, with trees and lake.
A park beside, a garden gate.
A priceless home, inside it's heart.
A rare breed, which none can rate.
A tale of hope, with love and fate.
A song to sing, which none will hate.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Only Hope

The tunnel seems very dark and it's so hard to walk.
Am I turning blind, or is it just a trick of my mind.
Wings of my hopes, just pull me like a rope.
Take me somewhere, where I can evoke.
Whenever I start to pull myself up, A little further in I go.
If what I feel is light ahead, A bit heavier it always show.
I try so hard not to break,
I try so hard not to wreck.
It's only hope that holds me here.
It's Allah's grace I cope in here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Way Ahead

A scar so deep, and a soul so weak,

A path so steep, for a heart that bleeds.

A heart so heavy, with so much pain,

So hard to carry, with so much strain.

When all hopes fade and all is lost,

When there is yet no one to trust.

I lower myself and kneel which is must,

Hand held high, with tears and trust.

Days went by which made it worse.

Yet kept on asking to make bit ease.

Never to stop I started to walk,

A hope in heart never to revoke.    

Way ahead what I see is bright,

 Still unknown whether it is light.

 An urge to reach it that spur inside,

Which makes its mark for there to reside.

©2009 Bliss | by TNB